My first year, I had barely started to take CrossFit seriously when I signed up. I did it because they introduced scaled options, and I figured I could manage the bare minimum. I surprised myself and had a really good time! I managed to Rx a workout, with a score of 10 reps, because I couldn't do the scaled option (a chin-up), but I could manage to get through ten 65 pound overhead squats.
Last year, I had a slew of problems with my hip and hamstring that really held me back, but I still improved my ranking in Ontario.
Overall, I'm feeling good! I've been a bit burned out lately, but I'm aiming to do some maintenance numbers with my macros that should give me some great energy to get through these workouts. I'm hoping there's a double under workout, because I can do enough of those that I should be able to Rx a workout that they're in!