Monday, February 13, 2017

At least I'm an athlete

This year marks the third time I've signed up for the CrossFit Open, and as the first workout looms closer and closer, I'm starting to feel a familiar sense of nervous excitement.

My first year, I had barely started to take CrossFit seriously when I signed up. I did it because they introduced scaled options, and I figured I could manage the bare minimum. I surprised myself and had a really good time! I managed to Rx a workout, with a score of 10 reps, because I couldn't do the scaled option (a chin-up), but I could manage to get through ten 65 pound overhead squats.

Last year, I had a slew of problems with my hip and hamstring that really held me back, but I still improved my ranking in Ontario.

This year, they introduced a new Masters division, that starts at age 35... and since I'll be 35 before the CrossFit Games, I qualify. So, I'm a Masters Athlete. I'm trying to look on the bright side... at least I'm an athlete, right?!

Overall, I'm feeling good! I've been a bit burned out lately, but I'm aiming to do some maintenance numbers with my macros that should give me some great energy to get through these workouts. I'm hoping there's a double under workout, because I can do enough of those that I should be able to Rx a workout that they're in!

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